Resultados: 9

Cross-cultural validation of the "DISABKIDS" questionnaire for quality of life among Colombian children with chronic diseases

ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the cross-cultural validation process of the "DISABKIDS" questionnaire in Colombia, for both the children and adolescents' version and the parents' version, an instrument intended to measure the health-related quality of life of Colombian children and adolescents with chr...

Cultural adaptation and reliability of the General Comfort Questionnaire for chronic renal patients in Brazil

ABSTRACT Objective: to make the cultural adaptation and evaluate the reliability of the Brazilian version of the General Comfort Questionnaire for chronic hemodialytic renal patients. Method: methodological study with the following steps: translation; consensus among judges; back-translation; validatio...

Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Clinical Competence Questionnaire for use in Brazil

ABSTRACT Objective: translating and transculturally adapting the Clinical Competence Questionnaire to Brazilian senior undergraduate Nursing students, as well as measuring psychometric properties of the questionnaire. Method: a methodological study carried out in six steps: translation of the Clinical ...

Adaptation and validation of the Diabetes Management Self-Efficacy Scale to Brazilian Portuguese

Objective: to perform the cultural adaptation and validation of the Diabetes Management Self-efficacy Scale for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with a Brazilian population sample. Method: cross-sectional methodological study in which the adaptation and validation process included the stages recom...

Cultural adaptation and validation of an instrument on barriers for the use of research results

ABSTRACT Objective: to culturally adapt The Barriers to Research Utilization Scale and to analyze the metric validity and reliability properties of its Brazilian Portuguese version. Method: methodological research conducted by means of the cultural adaptation process (translation and back-translation...

Cultural adaptation and validation of the Portuguese version of the Nursing Clinical Facilitators Questionnaire

ABSTRACT Objective: to perform the cultural adaptation to Portuguese of the Nursing Clinical Facilitators Questionnaire (NCFQ), which was designed by the Centre for Learning and Teaching at the University of Technology of Sydney, and to validate this instrument. Methods: this methodological study inv...

Adaptação transcultural e validação da versão brasileira da Treatment Spirituality / Religiosity Scale

Rev. bras. enferm; 69 (2), 2016
RESUMO Objetivo: realizar a tradução e adaptação transcultural, bem como analisar as propriedades psicométricas do instrumento Treatment Spirituality / Religiosity Scale (TSRS) para a língua portuguesa do Brasil. Método: a amostra foi composta por 188 estudantes de Enfermagem de níveis técnico...

Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Protective Nursing Advocacy Scale for Brazilian nurses

AbstractObjective: to adapt culturally and validate the Protective Nursing Advocacy Scale for Brazilian nurses.Method: methodological study carried out with 153 nurses from two hospitals in the South region of Brazil, one public and the other philanthropic. The cross-cultural adaptation of the Protective...

Adaptação transcultural do instrumento "Nursing Students" Attitudes Toward Mental Health Nursing and Consumers no Brasil

Rev. bras. enferm; 68 (2), 2015
RESUMO Objetivo: realizar a adaptação transcultural a escala Nursing Students’ Attitudes Toward Mental Health Nursing and Consumers no Brasil. Métodos: os dados foram coletados em 2013, na cidade de Londrina-PR. As etapas metodológicas foram as de equivalência conceitual e de itens, equivalên...